Naigaga Naume, kabweru Kenneth Ivan & Mwiri K Emmanuel ○ Children's Charity Uganda. Jesus came to save us without favor and discrimination To the lord, be the glory. God is love!
Nsaba Bashir - Nsaba Orphanage Butiki Uganda - THE MISSION OF THE ORGANISATION To provide high quality, specialized guidance, counseling and proper handling of orphans in Jinja District, Uganda. To provide daily respite care for families with Orphans. To provide training, education and support to families, careers and communities in the care of children and young adults with special needs.
Coronamania has swept over the land like some mysterious zephyr subtly and noiselessly permeating every nook and cranny of human thought—a concocted highly-imaginative fantasy absorbing both waking and non-waking hours, rendering contemplation, reflection and any other higher order cognitive activity helplessly vapid and bereft of any hoped-for, tension-relieving conclusionary cessation. Like some type of creeping mentally-acidic fluid, the CV phenomenon is slowly eroding every semblance of coherent cognition, leading politicos—governmental, entrepreneurial, and ecclesiastical—to equally outrageous and preposterous courses of action, which, taken individually and in isolation, seemingly border on the most despicable varieties of insidious autocratic and despotic imperatives.
The world is now engaged in a final battle between good and evil. The self elected men of wealth, power and scientific technologies are attempting to either control or overthrow all democratically elected leaders of the many nations of the world and install themselves as the new world leaders.
ONE FAMILY WOMEN’S CORPS AFRICA | Namudira Dorcas I We started as Dorcus foundation under FER ASCENDERS, handling women and children in particular, leading them through the reading of the Urantia Book. We have not only read the UB but have also inspired women and children in hands on skills like weaving, tailoring and farming. We decided to change to One Family Women Corps Africa.