Results for "A World without Slavery"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      STUDY GROUP - Noah [Flood Myths and Reality]

      STUDY GROUP - Noah [Flood Myths and Reality]   870 views Jun 1, 202...lgamesh and the Biblical story of Noah, the entire world is flooded to bring an end to i...rity of the annual floods. He warned his neighbors without...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Andon and Fonta - The First Human Beings

        Andon and Fonta - The First Human Beings   1,737 views Sep 9, 2023 STUDY...h the initial Life Carrier implantation of life on this world....years ago. Urantia was then registered as an inhabited world....

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          STUDY GROUP - Adamson and Ratta

          STUDY GROUP - Adamson and Ratta 1,657 views Jul 5, 2023 STUDY GROUP Continuing our focus on the early history of our world,...t a fascinating pair of individuals whose gifts to this world a...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            The Urantia Book-What happens after death?

            The Urantia Book-What happens after death? Death's...evelation to the earth/planet/world. I have a few words of my own...ourn on the different mansion worlds. Many of the activities of t...tals reach the mansion worlds without having benefited particularly...r native spheres. The mansion world e...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              What The 5th Epochal Revelation Inspires most in me to do and be DUTY in the Urantia Book by Barry

              ...m to resent the idea of duty, without which none of them would ev...ous devotion to duty judges a world full of cowards who whine about...courage puts a mirror to the world and the world hates the cowards...ity band together to vanquish slavery, to litter the world with hos...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Gaza and West Bank Response Log

                 Gaza and West Bank Response Log   GAZA URGENTLY NEEDS YOUR HELP PLEASE C...parately, 10 children are now officially recorded as having starved to death, and the World H...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Oliver Cromwell, Speech Dissolving the Long Parliament, 20 April, 1653 -WHAT NEEDS T0 HAPPEN IN MANY OF THE WORLD'S PARLIAMENTS

                  Oliver Cromwell, Speech Dissolving the Long Parliament, 20 April, 1653 WHAT NEEDS T0 HAPPEN IN MANY OF THE WORLD&#...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Teachings of Amenemope | Ancient Egyptian Bible by Milad Sidky part 1

                    Teachings of Amenemope | Ancient Egyptian Bible by Milad Sidky pa...y and economically struggling world. The teachings of Amenemope h...ope, which can be rightly and without exaggeration described as, was the joint gift to the world of the Hebrew race and the Egyp...t but also of the "whole world,...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Ubuntu Now! by Pato Banton

                      Ubuntu Now! by Pato Banton   UBUNTU - {oǒ’boǒntoō|} Reggae Legends, Pa...tional, communal, societal, environmental and spiritual world.&...s of Ubuntu across all regions of Africa and around the world....

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Two Total Solar Eclipses - Is there a message for humanity?

                        Two Total Solar Eclipses - Is there a message for humanity? Two Total Solar Eclipses o...the Urantia Revelation can help humanity move through the coming turbulent years to a world o...