The Urantia Book-What happens after death?

The Urantia Book-What happens after death?

Death's Doorway to our Divine Destiny What happens after death? Recently I was prompted to do research in the Urantia Revelation and gather together the many quotes that tell about what will happen after we die and the wonderful plan and adventure our Heavenly Father has for us after our mortal life. The epochal revelation gives so much information that is comforting and causes one to want to live a better life on earth and be prepared for the furthering education we will be receiving there. I want to give credits for the photos and narrative and music used: Photos were gathered from my archive of photos I have collected over the years. I also used art work of Del Parsons, Howard Lyons, Simon Dewey and Gary Tong. Others were from google and Hubble space pictures. The Narrative is mostly quotes from The Urantia Book, which is the 5th epochal revelation to the earth/planet/world. I have a few words of my own at various places in an effort to condense the narrative. The music I have used is from a CD I have of Peter H Bloom and Mary Jane Rupert, The Album is titled Noel - Sounds of the Season. The songs I used as background was: Gesu Bambino, Silent Night, Carol of the Birds, Lo How A Rose, O Holy Night, and Mid Winter. It is beautiful flute and harp music that is so appropriate for talking about our Heavenly Father and HIS beloved Creator Son-Jesus' plans for us after we leave this mortal life.


I have prepared a 61 page paper of all the quotes I could find-more than what I used in the narrative-- and you may read it on a PDF on my website which is listed on my UrantianArtist YouTube channel on the right. On my paper you can find all the references of what paper each quote comes from so you can easily verify what I have organized. You will find the Urantia Revelation on the internet at: www.,, or You may download to your computer or to your phone or iPad, or just read the 197 papers for free.

How will you know if these things I have shared are true? There is only one way to know what is truth in life, and that is to pray sincerely and ask God, our Father in Heaven, if it is true. Jesus gave each of us a duplicate of his Spirit to be with us and he called it the Spirit of Truth and his spirit will testify of the truthfulness of what the Revelation is revealing. Prepared with love by UrantianArtist, one of many on this earth.

From time to time I will add something that I wish I had included in my video:

48-3.15 7. Area and Building Custodians. Even the material and morontia structures increase in perfection and grandeur as you advance in the mansonia career. As individuals and as groups you are permitted to make certain changes in the abodes assigned as headquarters for your sojourn on the different mansion worlds. Many of the activities of these spheres take place in the open enclosures of the variously designated circles, squares, and triangles. The majority of the mansion world structures are roofless, being enclosures of magnificent construction and exquisite embellishment. The climatic and other physical conditions prevailing on the architectural worlds make roofs wholly unnecessary.

4-:6.3 On the seven mansion worlds ascending mortals are afforded ample opportunities for compensating any and all experiential deprivations suffered on their worlds of origin, whether due to inheritance, environment, or unfortunate premature termination of the career in the flesh. This is in every sense true except in the mortal sex life and its attendant adjustments. Thousands of mortals reach the mansion worlds without having benefited particularly from the disciplines derived from fairly average sex relations on their native spheres. The mansion world experience can provide little opportunity for compensating these very personal deprivations. Sex experience in a physical sense is past for these ascenders, but in close association with the Material Sons and Daughters, both individually and as members of their families, these sex-deficient mortals are enabled to compensate the social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their deficiency.


15:40 / 1:15:30



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