Results for "The Rule of Law & Universe Law"

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    • David Onche

      By David Onche

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        By Paul Kemp Administrator

        • David Onche

          By David Onche

          Site FAQs & How-To

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            By Paul Kemp Administrator

            Halbert on The Urantia Book & UBtheNews

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              By Paul Kemp Administrator

              Oh Master of the Universe Father of Love Video

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                By Paul Kemp Administrator

                The Christian Church is the Cocoon from which will emerge the New Revelation of the Life & the Teachings of Jesus

                • Tumwebaze Felix

                  By Tumwebaze Felix

                  120:1.1 “My Creator brother, I am about to witness your seventh and final universe bestowal. Most faithfully and perfectly have you executed the six previous commissions, and I entertain no thought but that you will be equally...More

                  • Tumwebaze Felix

                    By Tumwebaze Felix

                    120:1.1 “My Creator brother, I am about to witness your seventh and final universe bestowal. Most faithfully and perfectly have you executed the six previous commissions, and I entertain no thought but that you will be equally...More