Results for "RT"

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    • Mother Earth

      Ecologist Special Report: Biological Annihilation on Earth is Accelerating

      Ecologist Special Report: Biological Annihilation on Earth is Accelerating Robert J....l systems that make life on Earth possible. By doing this we Earth's history and virtually eliminating any prospect..... using a sample of 27,600 vertebrate species, and on a more...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Scientists Find Root That Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Only 48 Hours

        ...nt home to live out his final days after all efforts failed to treat his drink dandelion root tea as a last ditch effort. Perhaps it should have been...e liver and keep it in tip top shape. So by supporting your liver, you are actual...

        • i Witness NEWS

          Former President Jimmy Carter releases statement on North Korea

          Former President Jimmy Carter releases statement on North Korea Carter on Current U.S.-North Korea Relations  ...ntact: The harsh rhet...tween the United States and North Korea. In addition to restra...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Evolving Souls Podcasts ● August 20,2017 ● Free

            ...Please join me in supporting this auspicious dialogue....ecame editor and publisher for her book , Birth 2012 and Beyond (, the Divine Mother is known as the Deity consort of Christ; the two are unders...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM IV Science and Spirituality

              ...e await the first solar eclipse to come across North America in several decades....this eclipse will occur on Jesus’ 2023rd birthday!  We are hosting...ccur on the occasion of the celebration of the birth of our lord and master, Jesu...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Tony Wandra & Monica

                Tony hello to you all the way from Nova Scotia Canada. You look great in your SAFO T-shirt.  Godspeed Tony know that you are loved. Monica no longer has a Facebook account so s...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator


                  ...xaggerated intake of salt, stress and age.  Increased blood pressure is a serious health condition that can cause serious complications like heart attack, stroke, kidney failur...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Thought Gems ● Artwork Gary Tonge

                    Click Image to View   

                    • Amule Isaac RCM

                      RCM Education Sponsorship Program

                      ...ducation. It does not matter what part of the world you reside or th...he donate page and send in you support/donation for this school term...My names are Mukisa Robert. l am 11 years old. I want so that I can help in the transporting of people and cargo to and...

                      • Amule Isaac RCM


                        ...ed $ 8000 to be paid so that we may acquire the very big chink of land . we call upon all those that may went to stand with this ministry to support us generously and the lord wi...