Results for "Our Universe Journey"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Self-Mastery and Circle Attainment with Michael Hilll

      ...our understanding of the reality and the influence and ministry of our Local Univers...

      • Bahati Allan Eric

        THE PEARL by Bahati Allan Eric

        THE PEARL by Bahati Allan Eric      &nb...d looking at the expectations of our universe parents, I decided to create...ter the shake of corona virus in the universe I was so seeking a harmony be...s point in my personal growth in the univers...

        • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

          With heartfelt gratitude 2024

           With heartfelt gratitude   Dear heart swells with gratitude for the incredible journey we've shared together. It...ay our friendship continue to blossom, and may the journey ahead be as extraordinary as...

          • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

            Salvation: A Gift from God, a Choice for Individuals

            Salvation: A Gift from God, a Choice for Individuals Salvation is often regarde...will, the overarching message remains: salvation is a profound gift, and the journey towards it involves the sacre...

            • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

              "Passion: The Bridge from Pain to Change"

              "Passion: The Bridge from Pain to Change"...trength to overcome obstacles that may hinder your journey.    - It enables a...llow them to guide you, and witness the remarkable journey from adversity to a life fill...

              • Monica Kemp

                Questions asked by new readers to Urantia Book

                ...and ALL his children in all the universes of universes.   Your customs...d for “earth" in the universe records on high. B.As you...the Father with the hel0 of our Universe Mother and her agents, using...s, they had determined that the journey to the Father was too much wo...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator


                  6. MARKS OF RELIGIOUS LIVING   100:6.1 Evolutionary...e religionist is conscious of universe citizenship and is aware of m...of the quest for the highest universe objectives -- supreme goals....e religionist is conscious of universe citizenship and is aware of m...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    THE ACME OF RELIGIOUS LIVING

                    7. THE ACME OF RELIGIOUS LIVING   100:7.1 Although the average mortal of...His sympathetic heart embraced all mankind, even a universe. Always his invitation was, & think he was beside himself, but the onlooking univers...

                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                      FER Ascender Teachers and Leaders Revelation Resources Page.

                      FER ASCENDERS Revelation Study Groups and Teaching Resources  Member Notes: If you join one...Uganda Virtual Study Group Urantia Women's Group Kabale Uganda Master Univers...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        How we got the Urantia Papers

                        ...pers dealing with Deity and the universe of universes which have been formulated b...correlation of three phases of universe reality: origin, history, and...y embarkation on the time-space journey from the infinite, eternal, an...ey are not the work of a single universe personality but a composite...