Results for "5th Epochal Revelation Family"

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    • Wandira Ramathan

      Mafubira Youth Development Association Fundraising

      Mafubira Youth Development Association   Our lovely brothers and sisters, this is Mafubira Youth Development Association Jinja Uganda. the organisation w...

      • David Kantor

        Fundraiser - The Bestowal of Christ Michael is in production

        Urantia Book Films FUNDRAISER    Click here to visit our donation page a feature-length dramatic documentary on the repercussions of the fourth epochal revela...

        • Marissa Bodden

          Index Page of Projects

          Index Page Project Fundraising     Sponsorship immediate need of food.  You can donate on PayPal for friends and family with no charge, and I will im...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Facebook Companion Site

            Our Facebook Companion Site...Urantia Spiritual Family Network...Website: Hello Facebook Friends an...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Get well Susan

              [player url="" title="Susan M Sesay" summary="Back in action. Feeling good Thank to all my friends and family around the world that for your prayers and all those that help me financially when I..."]​

              • Mugweri Philly

                An appeal for help in troubled times

                Muga Child Outreach An appeal for help in troubled times    ...R TO Philly Mugweri Muga  UGANDA   Dear friends and family, I need your prayers, yesterd...

                • Godwin Nasser

                  Looking for Assistance with my Education

                  Looking for Assistance with my Education       & pay these fees here in uganda. Back to me l am doing well here with our family but we are short on fees for...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Earth Family - Keepers of the Flame Award - Pato Banton & Antoinette Rootsdawtah Hall

                    Earth Family - Keepers of the Flame Award - Pato Banton & A...ime and hard work she has devoted to Our Spiritual Family and I'm really proud of h...the world. And a big Thank You to the Unity Earth Family for considering us worthy of...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Voices of the Prophets on Quora Index of Questions Answered

                      ...What do the new Urantia Revelations and teachings offer to the&n...n? What do the new Urantia Revelations and teachings offer to the&n...exist? How did Noah and his family repopulate the entire world the 24 elders mentioned in Revelation 5:8, New Testament? Wha...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Urantia Book Audio by Merrit Horn Section Index Page

                        Urantia Book Audio by Merrit Horn Section Index Page          Forward The 5th Epochal Revela...