Results for "Wake Me Up (Avicii) | One Voice Children's Choir cover"

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    • Amule Isaac RCM

      RCM Education Sponsorship Program

      RCM Education Sponsership Program PLEASE CONSIDER SPONSORING OUR CHILDREN  All children deserve a chance to education. It does not matter what part...

      • Beth


        Fundraiser Activities    The Children you are supporting can be seen here. Group Activities can be seen here. Daily children activities can be seen here.

        • Robert Walugosi

          Please consider assisting us with Fundraising for our Ministry to the orhan children of Uganda

          Fundraising  Robert Walugosi Butiiki Children’s Ministry Fundraising  Hello everyone we greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord...

          • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

            Attention, greetings to all the good citizens of this world!

            Attention, greetings to all the good citizens of this world! Attention, greetings to all the good citizens of this world. I would like to as well assure you all...

            • Amule Isaac RCM

              FUNDRAISING AT RCM Restoration of God's Glory Church & Children's Ministry

              FUNDRAISING AT RCM 20th/09/2017 Bro. Isaac Amule Restoration of God’s Glory Church Children’s ministry. Jinja. Dear friends in Christ,...

              • Hope and Rescue Missions International


                Fundraising These children require the good will of the good Samaritans of the world to secure food, clothing, shelter and the chance for an education that will...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Thought Gems from a Divine Revelation of Truth

                  Thought Gems From A Divine Revelation of...and thrilling than the attempt to discover the will of the living God, a...of service immediately follows the discovery of trustworthiness. Nothing...ribable restlessness of triumph in discovery that he is impelled to seek...

                  • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                    Unexpected New Arrivals

                    Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga Unexpected New Arrivals In Uganda their are over one million children orphaned and in need of support from the world communiti...

                    • Kirunda Sula CCM

                      The Presence of God Within the soul.

                      The Presence of God Within the soul.   Beautiful smiles make  a world a better place to live,  The true beauty of a person comes from the hear...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Ethical Praying

                        Ethical Praying No prayer can be ethical when the petitioner seeks for...destined to bring disappointment and disillusionment as advancing scientific discoveries demonstrate that man lives...