Results for "Go back to school outreach 2022"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      The Rude Parrot and the Turkey

      RUDE PARROT A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a...s vocabulary. Finally, John was fed up, and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The Continuing Emergence of Urantia Religion: New Wineskins ● By David Kantor

        The Continuing Emergence of Urantia Religion: New Wineskins ● By Dave Ka...estiny."   Let's go back t...velation with the world—service and outreach. 2. A desire to gather with...ty What do we do Now? Examples and back...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Evolving Souls Podcasts ● August 20,2017 ● Free

           ...rld-renowned futurist and author, Barbara Marx Hubbard. Our discussions go as far back...

          • Joshua Ben Joseph

            Three Passions

            Three Passions ”Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my...o far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back...

            • Amule Isaac RCM

              RCM Education Sponsorship Program

              RCM Education Sponsership Program PLEASE CONSIDER SPONSORING OUR CHILDREN...he body in which you were born. The second term of School opened on Monday the 18th of...h us this time round again as we take our children back to scho...

              • Robert Walugosi

                Please consider assisting us with Fundraising for our Ministry to the orhan children of Uganda

                Fundraising  Robert Walugosi Butiiki Children’s Ministry Fundraising, rulers, toilet roles, sanitary pads and other required scholastic materials by the Scho...

                • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                  Attention, greetings to all the good citizens of this world!

                  Attention, greetings to all the good citizens of this world! Attention, greetings to all the good is Mukisa Geoffrey, he was born on 28/11/ 2007. He is having his schooling from one of the cheapest scho...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    Disconnected by Disaster—Photos From a Battered Puerto Rico

                    Disconnected by Disaster  Disconnected by Disaster—Photos From a Battered Pue...of Puerto Rico, told the Associated Press that Hurricane Maria has set the island back...

                    • Hope and Rescue Missions International


                      Fundraising These children require the good will of the good Samaritans of the world t...children move 1 ½ kilometers to reach the nearby school w...e plan to buy land where we can build enough structures, scho...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

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