Results for "Church"

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    • Bahati Allan Eric

      THE PEARL by Bahati Allan Eric

      ...nking men. The kingdom as Jesus conceived it has to a large extent failed on earth; for the time being; an outward church has taken its place; but you should comprehend that this church is only the larval stage of t...

      • Bahati Allan Eric

        THE PEARL by Bahati Allan Eric

        ...nking men. The kingdom as Jesus conceived it has to a large extent failed on earth; for the time being; an outward church has taken its place; but you should comprehend that this church is only the larval stage of t...

        • Monica Kemp

          Questions asked by new readers to Urantia Book

          ...s as we are led to speak spirit truths.   7.Does the UB have churches and clergy? No, as it is...nt never changed, you did!  13. Can we use the UB as a Bible in church? Not sure why you would &n...

          • Monica Kemp

            Study Group Map and Links to Study Groups in Africa

            ...el Teachers SEEDLINGS Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International The Love of Christ To Humanity's Kingdom. The Positive Way Mission Church Lagos Nigeria THE YOUNG GEN...

            • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

              FER Ascender Teachers and Leaders Revelation Resources Page.

     SEEDLINGS Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International   The Love of Christ To Humanity's Kingdom. The Positive Way Mission Church Lagos Nigeria THE YOUNG GEN...

              • Soren K Vestergaard

                EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the 5th Epochal Revelation

       that it was not the purpose of the Urantia Revelation to start a new church. Accordingly, on January desire they may be chartered as a Urantia Society. Membership in any church or fraternal organization doe...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  2024 to 2100 76 Year Destiny Projects of I AM Eden International

                  ...if, through this revelation, the Son of Man should be recovered from the tomb of traditional theology and be presented as the living Jesus to the church that bears his name, and to a...