Results for "Bridge of Life Ministry Jinja Uganda"

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    • Alicejane Uwaoma


          GOODNESS IN SPIRIT TRAINING SESSION (GIST) Prayer of...confess that Jesus Christ is now Lord of my life, an...rdance with your word, I now receive eternal life...s that Jesus Christ is now Lord of all's life,...

      • Monica Kemp

        Summary of Paper 120 and 121

        Summary of Paper 120 and 121   Paper 120 of the Urantia Book is titled "...y of the Jewish people and their traditions, beliefs - the Hebrew religion, as well as life u...

        • Monica Kemp

          Questions asked by new readers to Urantia Book

          Questions asked by new readers to Urantia Book 1. Is the way, the truth and the life. NO one comes to the Father e...perfection, after our mortal life here. It explains where we ca...he best part! Is Part IV, the Life and...nd wars, as well as the whole life o...

          • Monica Kemp

            Study Group Map and Links to Study Groups in Africa

            ...cred Services Diversity NEW LIFE AFRICA MINISTRIES Nick Willz...RANTIA REVELATION Truth and Life Services Foundation Ibanda Uga...ugust 2022 Urantia Conference Jinja Uganda Fellowship and Study Resource...ugust 2022 Urantia Conference Jinja Uganda Fellowship and Study Re...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator


              6. MARKS OF RELIGIOUS LIVING   100:6.1 not a specific function of life; rather is it a mode of conflict, and makes mortal life truly worth living. The morbi...religion is a living love, a life not a specific function of life;...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator


                7. THE ACME OF RELIGIOUS LIVING   100:7.1 Although the aver...roachable. He was so practical in all his ministry, while all his plans were cha...ctical. He frankly faced the realities of life,...was gentle and unassuming in his personal life,...

                • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                  FER Ascender Teachers and Leaders Revelation Resources Page.

                  FER ASCENDERS Revelation Study Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda) Easy Learning Africa FATHER OF THE FATHERLESS CARE MINISTRY Byamukama Geoffrey ...RANTIA REVELATION Truth and Life Services Foundation Ibanda Ugan...ugust 2022 Urantia Conference Jinja Uganda Fellowship and Study Re...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    How we got the Urantia Papers

                    How we got the Urantia Papers How We Got The Urantia Papers Just about all that is...on who are chosen by the spirit directors of the realm to assist in the conduct of the minist...

                    • Soren K Vestergaard

                      EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the 5th Epochal Revelation

                      EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the 5th Epochal Revelation...and as concerned man and his life on earth. Among these nume...onal references to Jesus' life and teachings—but they...individuals from all walks of life. Farmers, housewives, secretaries...admonish the recipient of his minist...

                      • Soren K Vestergaard

                        Earth: How Things Ought to Be

                        Earth: How Things Ought to Be By Soren K Vestergaard...herent dignity of every human life.   Political Reali...ties, let us forge alliances, bridge divides, and build bridges of understanding that we find the true riches of life &nd...iers that divide us and build bridge...