Results for "Urantia Paper 93"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Revelation Study Groups and Teaching Resources

      ...Notes: If you join one of the Urantia Study Groups or start one of...DOWNLOAD A FREE EBOOK OF THE URANTIA REVELATION IN MANY LANGUAGES...n download a word copy of the Urantia Papers and the app will convert ...e Almanac  Visual Aid to Urantia Paper Descriptions Western Uganda...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Pages Directory

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Pages To Attain Him: Int...df. ). We encourage everyone to write on a piece of paper either their prayer requ...sp;of Jesus who are worthy of appreciation.  A paper defining the new Jesus&#...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Google Maps Urantia Group Locations in Africa

          Google Maps Urantia Group Locations in Africa [code id="36:b3K5-AZLvCsOxxf81iHPYEgp20y-KQeBG3KFXLZpgcA"]

          • Bahati Allan Eric

            THE PEARL by Bahati Allan Eric

            ...o;s young generation group, the Urantia family, ma’am Monica Ke...esus Christ and research on the Urantia Book studying the life o...veloping countries I see in the URANTIA Book: "Prayer is not...bsp;These are also cited in the Urantia Book, Paper 34:6.13.  And Jesus c...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Self-Mastery and Circle Attainment with Michael Hilll

              ...Urantia University...nd renew the spiritual aspirations of Urantia Book readers who have by fait...course focuses on exploring what The Urant...

              • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

                SARMI Revelation Work in Africa and Mission Information links page

                Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International SARMI Revelation W...D.R.CONGO D.R. CONGO URANTIA CONFERENCE 800+ IN ATTENDANCE...1-12-15  Kaliro Womens Urantia Conference February 19-20-21...Bishop Moses Pastor Meeting - Urantia Revelations Introduction - An...

                • Bahati Allan Eric

                  THE PEARL by Bahati Allan Eric

                  ...o;s young generation group, the Urantia family, ma’am Monica Ke...esus Christ and research on the Urantia Book studying the life o...veloping countries I see in the URANTIA Book: "Prayer is not...bsp;These are also cited in the Urantia Book, Paper 34:6.13.  And Jesus c...

                  • Kato Pare

                    The Challenges of Youth

                    The Challenges of Youth   126:0.1 (1386.1) OF ALL Jesus’ earth-life experiences, the four...ion with his indwelling Adjuster, were the most trying of his eventful life on Urant...

                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                      FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA Certificate of Registration

                      FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA Certificate of Registration

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Index of Papers that provide instruction and inspirations

                        Index of Papers that provide instruction, inspirations and promises   PAPER 103  THE REALITY OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE *   103:9.13 Presented by a Melchizedek of Nebadon.