Results for "The Evolutionary Process of Thought"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator


      EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM   EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM Those of us serio...ting ourselves. Smith's book provides some fascinating background. Embrace the evoluti...

      • Walwasa Martin

        Please Help

        Please help About Us   Activities   Please Help   Volunteering: Dear fr...for buying one motor cycle to be used as a mean of transport in the monitoring process...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


          THE ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH YEARS A.D. 5 & 6...ssions, the boy so far forgot the trends of Jewish thought as to suggest that they go ba...ain let me hear you give utterance to such an evil thought as long as you live." Je...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            THE THIRTEENTH YEAR (A.D. 7)

            THE THIRTEENTH YEAR (A.D. 7) &nb...journey the road was a continuous procession of pilgrims. They now father, he said nothing. But he thought, and thought deeply, as his questions to t...h plied these Jewish teachers with thought-provoking and heart-searching...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH YEARS - Two Critical Years

              ...t first Mary was happy in the thought that she had her boy back onc...but they could not grasp his thought and would invariably fall bac...quite effectively removed all thought of immediately carrying out a.... He had really given serious thought to this plan of moving his fa...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Voices of the Prophets on Quora (Page 6)

                Voices of the Prophets on Quora What are the true words of...w I want to be with her in heaven?   A● She already knows since the thought has appeared in your mind. Sh...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Voices of the Prophets on Quora (Page 7)

                  Voices of the Prophets on Quora When the apostle Nathaniel...ime favorites. I memorized this poem when I was a young man and the suggestive thought gems embedded in this poem ha...

                  • Monica Kemp

                    Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation January 2019 01-03

                    Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations January 3rd 2019 Righteousness may be the divine thought but love is the Fathers attitude. 2.6.5  

                    • Monica Kemp

                      Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations March 13th 2019

                      Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations March 13th 2019...ably "supremacizes" and subsequently augments the experiential endowment of evoluti...

                      • Monica Kemp

                        Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations April 4th 2019

                        Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations April 4th  Universe Frames for thought Conceptual frames of the uni...