
    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness Index Page 4

      Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness  Vaccin...the Covid jabs being ignored & calls it a Humanitarian Cris...OF cancer expected Globalist news says. Kids now get heart atta...e-injuries-phi.html?mref=45npx&mc=clopq" title="Dr...f&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newslett...

      • i Witness NEWS

        Real News Broadcasting 606 April Pg2 2022

        Real News Broadcasting 606  April Pg.2 2022 FEATURED VI...PUBLIC DISCLOSURE  Real News Broadcasting 606 INDEX CRI...CLICK IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW OUR FEATU...    Doctors & Psychotherapists: Butchers &...bal-reset-of-the.html?mref=45npx&...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


           THE ADOLESCENT YEARS  THE ADOLESCENT YEARS   127:0.1 AS JE...ulated a vast body of knowledge; as a youth he sorted, classified, and correlated this infor...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Real News Broadcasting 606 July Pg.1 2022

            Real News Broadcasting 606  July Pg.1 2022 FEATURED...BLIC DISCLOSURE  Real News Broadcasting 606  July P...all to review this video link & evidentiary disclosures and...The assertion is that Trudeau & Freeland are under the url="https://www.rebelnews....

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              FEATURED PLAYER - iWITNESS NEWS PAGE 6 June 2022

                         ...CLICK IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW OUR FEATURED BROADCASTERS ...-tech-corruptio.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=6" title="Rum...ORRORS OF CCP STYLE LOCKDOWNS & RESTRICTIONS IN THE WEST&" summary="Former Newscast...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness Index Page 5 June

                           &...CLICK IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW OUR FEATURED BROADCASTERS ...quo;s an ocean of mis/dis/mal/information out there to navigate,...    FOX NEWS ALARMING RESEARCH ABOUT THE V...ublished Weekly: https://EarthNewspape...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  Pandemic Emergency Alerts Player 06 June

                                   June 2022   Peter McCullough, MD MPH Pen...

                  • God Discovered

                    God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 4 "You: The Temple of God"

                    God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 4   YOU: The Temple of God  ...s the kingdom of heaven — God is your Father and you are his sons, and this good news,...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 2 "You Are Loved By God!"

                      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 2 "You Are Loved By God!"   Click the icon for the one...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 3 "True Religion: Sonship"

                        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 3 "True Religion: Sonship"