Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness Index Page 4

Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness 

Vaccine Injury and Death Page 4







Index Page 4


Pfizer, Moderna, and Their Enablers Should Be Indicted: Their Behavior Is the Clear-Cut Exemplification of Fraud

Dr. Robert Malone: "[The GAO Report and Pfizer Documents show] that a lot of the propaganda and information that's been pushed on us about vaccine efficacy and safety is fraudulent. I don't know how e

listen to Prof. S. Bhakdi WHY MASSIVE BLOOD CLOTS ARE CAUSED FROM mRNA Gene Editing Injections.  Gynecide 

Dr Mike Yeadon PhD  chief scientist and Vice president of Pfizer with more than 4 decades of pharmacological research experience.
Fraud was committed by multiple vaccine producers. These are Crimes Against Humanity

No.2 ICU Doctor in the World breaks down over Adverse Reactions from the Covid jabs being ignored & calls it a Humanitarian Crisis, and a Crime Against Humanity. 3% of those injected with the nRNA injections are suffering.

Be aware of what will soon be a vast Awakening among those who allowed the gene editing mRNA Injections.

Death rates worldwide for all cause morbidity are on the rise from science without Ideals, industry without morals and Politics without principals 

COVID vaccines may impair long-term immunity to the virus.
Research suggests that vaccinations against COVID via mRNA Vaccines may reduce body's ability to produce key type of antibody.

 OFFICIAL DATA: Fully vx’d people account for 9 of 10 C0V1D deaths. The triple vx’d are the most likely to die from C0V1D-I9

Dr Malone on Presumptive Evidence of Fraud: 
Why Are the Health Agencies So Afraid to Do Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Studies?

Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission

The house of cards is collapsing

Zero medical evidence for mandates (vaccines). Oh...the dominos are about to fall and there are going to be a lot of very angry people that took a deadly poison for no fucken medical reason at all. ☝️❤️❤️
So the only question is this... ‘why were …

Old man in a chair, Truth about Children, Hepatitis and the Covid Jab

⚠️Dr. Vernon Coleman-The Truth about Children, Hepatitis and the Covid Jab

Dr. Malone - alarming...Injection Investigations - part 2



Dr Geert Vanden Bossche’s warning: 
“The losses will be unprecedented.”



Warning by Dr. Peter McCullough, MD MPH @P_McCulloughMD
Mechanisms:  1) plaque instability due to Spike inflammation/endothelial injury, 2) Spike induced thrombosis, 3) Spike induced direct pericyte injury within the myocardium leading to secondary microvascular ischemia and cardiomyocyte damage/death.  Anticipate numbers to worsen.

Del Bigtree Stephabie Seneff PhD

Spike Protein causing damage to body organs and brian.

Severe hepatitis "outbreak" in children, in Canada. HIV on the rise.

TSUNAMI OF cancer expected Globalist news says. Kids now get heart attacks too, apparently. Blood clots are now common. Atheltes are dying everywhere. What has happened in the past few years to cause this?

Dr. Aaron Siri - Representing Avalanche of Patients with Vaccine Injuries - #PHIZER #MODERNA #J&J


CBIL Live Mark's take on vaccine debate.

We need a Royal Inquiry into this injection program. No this is not a Monty python clip - it is all too real. In regards data from the last few weeks in the UK, the triple jabbed are twice as likely to catch Covid-19.

Dr. Paul Marik, one of the most published critical care physicians in the world.


Tells about bullying and efforts to intimidate doctors into therapeutic nihilism for acute illness in order to promote the mandated mass program with no regard for safety/efficacy. @Covid19Critical

Dr. Ryan Cole: It Is an Absolute Crime to Inject This Liquid into the Arm of a Child

"There is no way we use our children as human shields and guinea pigs when kids survive this virus statistically at 100%, anyway. So if you have someone that's surviving a virus at 100% and there's a

Australian Senator says injections are genocide

Be informed

Labour leader Keir Starmer says PM's apology will never be enough for John Robinson, whose wife died of Covid

American Airlines Captain Bob Snow, coerced to vax (jab or job),

Suffered a heart attack 6 mins after landing in Dallas, April 9th. He speaks out. All Canadian airline pilots were coerced exactly the same.  Contact Cdn Airline execs & Transport Canada if you have concerns about the safety of flying with vaccine injured pilots.

Up to 500,000 Dead from a Headache Pill: These Vaccine Manufacturers Are Serial Felons - RFK Jr.

"Merck knew [Vioxx] caused heart attacks and killed people, and they didn't tell anybody... Vaccines are the only place they can never get caught, because it's illegal in this country to sue a vaccine

Vaccination Leads to More COVID Deaths, Not Less - Dr Peter McCullough
William Wallis: "So 3 times more people died of COVID after the vaccines than died before the vaccines? Dr. McCullough: "That's correct. So, there are now analyses... showing the more we vaccinate, the more covid deaths we have.

Smoking Gun: The Rate of Change of Millennial Deaths Points Directly to the Jab - Edward Dowd

"I would argue with anyone to suggest that everyone decided to commit suicide [when mandates rolled out], everyone decided to drug overdose in the same three months, and everyone decided to miss their

Heart issues, Blood Clots,

All in the vaccinated. When will the rest of you see this???  Fully vaccinated Australia now seeing massive rise in “unexplained heart attacks” 

Dr. Robert Malone

Very soon there will be hundreds health officials saying.. “It was your choice, no one made you take it”. Deaths and injuries and weakened immune systems. All science data is being suppressed. 

KhmerRouge on GETTR: @edwarddowd This data is as independent at it gets. Walgreens is publishing the COVID infection rates and the unvaccinated are the more protected. What does that say about the vaccines and damage to the immune system? Francis Crick Institute in London. Check this out.

This data is as independent at it gets. Walgreens is publishing the COVID infection rates and the unvaccinated are the more protected. What does that say about the vaccines and damage to the immune system? Francis Crick Institute in London....

Australia 40% increase in Code 1 Ambulance Services.

Why is this happening, Heart Attacks, Chess Pains, Breathing Problems. Why is this occurring to the injected public?



Dr Robert Malone on Tucker: Efficacy of Vaccine
"As a vaccinologist I'm embarrassed now to learn...what has really caused the decline in infectious disease in children...the improvement in sanitation prior to the implementation of the vaccines for almost all of these pediatric diseases."

COVID Injection Injury Revealed - Dr. Peter McCullough

One of the most published and qualified frontline MDs reveals the startling number of people killed and injured by the COIVID experimental injections.

Autopsies Confirm: The Fingerprints of the Vaccine Are Everywhere in the Body

"We now know [that] in people who have had autopsies after being vaccinated [or] shortly after being vaccinated... we can see the fingerprint of the vaccine everywhere in the body. It's in the brain;

 A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year - "Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23" - (VIDEO)

Ashley: I want everyone to know.
that my friend collapsed and died instantly from the covid vaccine. She was a healthy woman prior. We all watched CPR administered for over an hour at work. We are RNs in postpartum. We are all devastated. Service was yesterday.

☝️ Australian Parliament ☝️ MUST WATCH ☝️

☝️ Australian Parliament ☝️ MUST WATCH☝️ Queensland Senator Malcom Roberts The evidence continues to mount that these vaccines do not deserve the continuing provisional approval given to them by the T

The data that's coming out of Australia is mind blowing - with Senator Malcolm Roberts
Senator for Queensland Malcolm Roberts joins us on the AJ Roberts Show today to give us all a big update on things down under but also the huge role he's had to play in challenging the dystopian measures placed among the people in his constituency and around the country.
We also dive deep into all the data that's being released regarding lockdowns and fallouts from the V rollout - the data is mind blowing.

Canadian Adverse Events Reporting Sytem | Caers

CAERS is an independent adverse event reporting system for Canadians. Our system is designed to act as an independent reporting database which is free from interference. It is designed as a signal system, not a system to direct blame on a specific...

Alternative vaccine injury reporting system launched in Canada - The Western Standard

The system's creator says the number of Canadians harmed by COVID vaccines is much higher than officially reported.

COVID VACCINE INJURIES. Vaers Reporting System

Do you want to know why VAERS is a broken early warning system?
Watch the entire video.  It's well worth your time.
Please share for others to see.
From Vaccine Injuries

A MUST WATCH A Young Ceduna Architect The Deplorables Epic Trip from Vaccine
Stories they scrub from the internet to hide Crimes Against Humanity.




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Vaccine Awareness

Vaccine Awareness

Coronamania has swept over the land like some mysterious zephyr subtly and noiselessly permeating every nook and cranny of human thought—a concocted highly-imaginative fantasy absorbing both waking and non-waking hours, rendering contemplation, reflection and any other higher order cognitive activity helplessly vapid and bereft of any hoped-for, tension-relieving conclusionary cessation. Like some type of creeping mentally-acidic fluid, the CV phenomenon is slowly eroding every semblance of coherent cognition, leading politicos—governmental, entrepreneurial, and ecclesiastical—to equally outrageous and preposterous courses of action, which, taken individually and in isolation, seemingly border on the most despicable varieties of insidious autocratic and despotic imperatives.