Results for "burden of truth"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34 Am I a Son of God?

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34   Am I receive God as your Father, then indeed and in truth are you the sons of God. And...plains to Thomas asking about how to know about the truth in the gospel:  ...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator


         PAPER 103  THE REA...Sons the liberated Spirit of Truth makes mighty contributions to...apacity to perceive religious truths. As evolution advances on an...ght or wrong, or a mixture of truth and error.   103:1.6...ess leads to the discovery of truth, and truth augments ideals, a...

        • Strange Preacher

          Why Globalists Hate Religion

          Why Globalists Hate Religion​ &nb...s God through the divine realities of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. They k...mselves to be the source of all valid truth - no other source is to see the fundamental spiritual truth of all religions, that the hu...

          • Strange Preacher

            Shepherds Wanted

            Shepherds Wanted Spiritual Crisis in the...s all dedicated students of spiritual truth know, the ‘desertificat...from the fountain of living spiritual truth and are now well and truly lo...g the world, whetting the appetite of truth-seekers and sharpening the ta...

            • Strange Preacher

              The Urantia Book and Woke Ideology

              The Urantia Book and Woke Ideology The revelation of th...ecisions. As you grow, and mature, you discover new truths and values and adjust your s...e. One cannot be happy and live out of harmony with truth, one can be in denial about t...

              • Strange Preacher

                The Great Father

                The Great Father Knowing God as Father is t...atest, most inspiring, and liberating truth one can experience.  ...undance of superlative and liberating truths that the fullness thereof wi...pon us to search out these liberating truths lest we suffer the ignominy...

                • Strange Preacher

                  A World without Slavery

                  A World without Slavery On Liberty and Tyranny ART...  The Master said, ‘He that is of truth hears my voice,’ and sa...and even joy. There are others that have no ear for truth, they are not of his fold, th...

                  • Strange Preacher

                    Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

                    ...enlarged revelation of truth and an enhanced demo...y and chaos bristling to be free. Truth is not loved by the majority....ight in bearing one another's burdens; [who] actually desire to p...d give equal consideration to the truths of science, philosophy, and...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations June 5th

                      Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations June 5th...quot; He would "have all men be saved by coming into the knowledge of the truth." He is "not willin...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations June 2nd

                        Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations June 2nd...aration of becoming the material life partner with spiritual energy and divine truth..." Jesus, 130:2.4 &n...