Results for "Neighborly Love"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 31 - Our Spiritual Power Multiplied: ACTION

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 31   Our “Question not my Father’s POWER of love, only the sincerity and The search for God is the unstinted bestowal of love attended by amazing discoveri...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32 Jesus/Michael: Creator Sons

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32  ...due to the pouring out of his Divine Love, there are organized seven ve...e and to bestow upon our children the love and knowledge we experienced...for God is the unstinted bestowal of love attended by amazing discoveri...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34 Am I a Son of God?

          God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34   Am I a Son...Is this my personal religion? How clear our Beloved Jesus makes this to us: The search for God is the unstinted bestowal of love attended by amazing discoveri...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35 Adam and Eve: True History

            God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35 ..., arrival and story of this beloved Son and Daughter of our Crea...come in pairs, are deeply in love and so connected that they in rebellion against our Beloved Universe Father, as his the unstinted bestowal of love attended by amazing discoveri...

            • Lindianne  Sappington

              Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

              Natural Healing Food, Herbs & Spices Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) 149:5.2&nb...d than great treasure and trouble therewith. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fatted ox and hatre...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator


                ...ciation and is actuated by divine love.      5. TH...close to him, those who treat him neighborly; as religious civilizat...of humanity, even that we should love our enemies. And there is som...and the personality motivation to love.   103:7.15 Science d...

                • Strange Preacher

                  Why Globalists Hate Religion

                  Why Globalists Hate Religion​   Why Globali...s of the fact that we have seen far too many of our loved ones lives get destroyed on...own souls. It is remarkably ironic that while they love to tell people what to do, wh...

                  • Strange Preacher

                    The Great Father

                    The Great Father Knowing God as Father is the greatest, most inspiring, and libera...ongue of those that seeks to sing His praise.   You are His beloved child and you are loved more than you can imagine. I...

                    • Strange Preacher

                      A World without Slavery

                      A World without Slavery On Liberty and Tyranny ART...tive of the absence of the restraining bonds of love.   Love is the substance of liberty,...endeavour to replace fear with faith, hate with love, control with service. Such t...

                      • Strange Preacher

                        Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

                        Should I Stay or Should I Go?! Stay and fight or run and hide...tality and chaos bristling to be free. Truth is not loved by the majority. Presently,...ement of all life, of an all consuming and fearless love for both the Great Father and...