Results for "Hope Child Ministries"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34 Am I a Son of God?

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34   Am I a Son of God?   ...the Son as the SONS OF GOD, while referring to the children of the Spirit [angels] unbelief.     As a child of s...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35 Adam and Eve: True History

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35   Adam and Eve: True His...(Jesus), they said good-bye to their children there and departed for our...uch to contend with as they bore many children (but not the required amou...  Worse yet, all their minor children,...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


           PAPER 103  THE REALITY OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE...h the will of God. Man cannot hope to live up to his highest by declaring that man is a child of God; the creature-Creator...iness by encouraging the vain hope of having all the virtues of faith in a supreme Deity, hope of et...

          • Strange Preacher

            Why Globalists Hate Religion

            Why Globalists Hate Religion​   Why Globalists Hate R...less, and their utter disdain for the children of God. And so are born th...d sustains the soul with unquenchable hope. The Lord has promised that and man serving brotherhood of the children o...

            • Strange Preacher

              The Great Father

              The Great Father Knowing God as Father is the greatest, most in...  You are His beloved child and you are loved more than...give you peace, courage, and hope but until you learn to trust H...for you. He desires that His children stand on their own two to bring Him your joys and hopes, you...

              • Strange Preacher

                A World without Slavery

                A World without Slavery On Liberty and Tyranny ARTICLES&...that is the Living Temple of Children of God not even the hosts...the saving light of a bright hope that can never be, when you hear it, instils hope and courage and even joy. Ther...”. In contrast with the children o...

                • Strange Preacher

                  Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

                  Should I Stay or Should I Go?! Stay and fight or run and hide AR...nding the knee they are selling their children [and ours] into slavery. I..., if we do nothing we, along with our children, will be consumed by the g...o; [2:7.9]   "The hope of mo...