Results for "Presenting Teachings about the washing of the feet"


    • Lindianne  Sappington

      Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

      Natural Healing Food, Herbs & Spices Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) 149:5.2...als bruises quickly.  In the garden, it's roots go down ten to twelve feet so it brings minerals up to f...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator


         PAPER 103  THE REALITY OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE...s. A child has been in existence about nine months before it experie...appear between the findings and teachings of these two diametricall...  103:8.2 The confusion about t...on of Jesus. Jesus' life and teac...

        • Strange Preacher

          Shepherds Wanted

          Shepherds Wanted Spiritual Crisis in the West   On the current spi...word of the Lord, and shall not find it. This speaks about h...lly famished people to re-discover the supernal life and teac...

          • Strange Preacher

            The Great Father

            The Great Father Knowing God as Father is the greatest, most inspiring, and liberating...t the winds of change when they scream and rage all about y...He desires that His children stand on their own two feet but neither will he let you g...

            • Strange Preacher

              A World without Slavery

              A World without Slavery On Liberty and Tyranny ARTICLES ON SUBSTACK A Wo...rethren as the farmer might a cow, they have zero qualms about s...r with faith, hate with love, control with service. Such teac...

              • Strange Preacher

                Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

                Should I Stay or Should I Go?! Stay and fight or run and hide ARTICLES&n...ersion. This subversion, whether brought about through Machiavellian design...ded by a powerful but corrupt elite. The teachin...ed of new contact with the uncompromised teac...