Results for "Live"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32 Jesus/Michael: Creator Sons

      ...wise Father's functioning in and through these Mystery Monitors that live and work so valiantly within...– flesh and blood. He was given the name Joshua ben Joseph, and he lived as a toddler, child, adolesc...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34 Am I a Son of God?

        ...onships (which are an end in themselves), in how we exhibit in our daily lives the personal religious exper...mple as accepting the gift of faith which is offered to you, and then to live with dynamic dedication to ca...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35 Adam and Eve: True History

          ...ving that Adam and Eve were Material beings who lived and worked on another world...that tree was to be their sustenance while they lived here in the flesh, in order...SO beloved wife die, that he could not bear to live without her. Therefore, did h...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator


   of the spirit of divinity which lives within their minds. A group...and other abnormalities of "delivery." Other spiritual birt...progression, while our ability to live up to them is enhanced only b...rnity impulse which enables men to live together in the complexities...

            • Strange Preacher

              Why Globalists Hate Religion

              ...realities of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. They know their lives are enhanced and improved insofar as they learn to live in harmony with these divine...the fact that we have seen far too many of our loved ones lives get destroyed on the battle...

              • Strange Preacher

                The Urantia Book and Woke Ideology

                ...settings accordingly – at least this is what you do if you are aspiring to be wise, if you aspire to the happy life. One cannot be happy and live out of harmony with truth, on...

                • Strange Preacher

                  Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

                  ...sp;goodness. In such a situation only one course is practical: The "golden rulers" may establish a progressive society in which they live according to their ideals whi...