Results for "Revelation time Open your Spiritual Eyes"


    • Hope and Rescue Missions International


      Age:10 years.Fees:49 USD Class: Primary Three Balaba is one of the most intelligent boy at HOCI. His future plan is to become a lawyer. He spends most of the time guiding his friends on various aspects.

      • Hope and Rescue Missions International


        Age: 7 years. Fees: 38 USD.  Class: Primary One He was adopted after the death of his father kakaire soibu who dead of HIV. In future, eh wants to become a doctor. He spends most of his time reading and practicing leadership.

        • Hope and Rescue Missions International


          Age: 8 Years Fees: 43 USD Class: Primary Two This is a brother to kaziba sanon and they we leaving together and at the same time...

          • Hope and Rescue Missions International

            Logose Keren

            Logose Keren is one of the youngest children at HOCI. She was adopted immediately after the death of her parents. By the time she was adopted, she seemed to be 1 year. Up to now there is no reliable information about her before she was adopted She has not yet started schooling

            • Hope and Rescue Missions International

              Prayers of Thanksgiving

              Prayers of Thanksgiving  H.O.C.I. Hope Orphan Children Iganga Naigaga...the most important people on earth who at the same time can rescue us, it is in fact your powe...alive. We thank them for all that is being done in your...

              • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                Prayers of Thanksgiving

                Prayers of Thanksgiving  H.O.C.I. Hope Orphan Children Iganga Naigaga...the most important people on earth who at the same time can rescue us, it is in fact your powe...alive. We thank them for all that is being done in your...

                • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                  Prayers of Thanksgiving

                  Prayers of Thanksgiving   H.O.C.I. Hope Orphan Children Iganga Naigaga...the most important people on earth who at the same time can rescue us, it is in fact your powe...alive. We thank them for all that is being done in your...

                  • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                    Mukaaya Hakiram

                    Mukaaya Hakiram holding Jack fruit.      Wishes you a good evening East African time.

                    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                      Mukaaya Hakiram

                      Mukaaya Hakiram holding Jack fruit.      Wishes you a good evening East African time.

                      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                        Blessed day.

                        Had good time with the children at Safo. Always love, kindness and service delivery come first.