Results for "Life Petitions"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Poetry in Motion Urantia Artist Paul Anderson | Be Kind

      Poetry in Motion Urantia Artist Paul Anderson | Be Kind 121:7.2 The teachings and practices of Jesus regar...complete A way to make this day replete. Balance my activities. Make life of j...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        Revelation Poetry in Motion | Paul Anderson | Sunny Days

        Revelation Poetry in Motion | Paul Anderson | Sunny Days  Sunny Days Sunny all day long today. Ni...Faith’s the key. Faith unlocks our destiny. We become in this first life. Ev...

        • Strange Preacher

          Water of Life

          Water of Life

          • Paul Kemp Administrator


            Mota 11 CLICK IMAGE TO OPEN LARGE IMAGE 48:7.13 11. The weak indulge in resolutions, but the strong act. Life is but a day's work -- do it well. The act is ours; the consequences God's.

            • Paul Kemp Administrator


              Mota 11 CLICK IMAGE TO ANIMATE 48:7.13 11. The weak indulge in resolutions, but the strong act. Life is but a day's work -- do it well. The act is ours; the consequences God's.

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Life is both mechanistic and vitalistic

                Life is both mechanistic and vitalistic

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  Poetry in Motion Urantia Artist Paul Anderson | Storms

                    67:0.1 THE problems associated with human existence on Urantia are impossible of understanding without a...rning, learning, different ways. Truly trying to understand What the ways of life dema...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Seraphic Ministry on Morals and Spiritual Progress

                    Seraphic Ministry on Morals and Spiritual Progress   113:4.3 Seraphim function as teachers of men b...ive experiences. To accept the guidance of a seraphim rarely means attaining a life of e...