Results for "Poverty"


    • Mugweri Philly


      ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

      • Mugweri Philly


        ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

        • Mugweri Philly


          ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

          • Mugweri Philly


            ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

            • Mugweri Philly

              NAMUKOSE SHARON

              ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

              • Mugweri Philly

                NANYUNJA SHIFURA

                ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

                • Mugweri Philly

                  NGOBI FAHADI

                  ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

                  • Mugweri Philly

                    SSELUNGA EVENS

                    ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

                    • Mugweri Philly

                      TENWA CHARLSE

                      ...MISSION: To make the world a better place for the disadvantaged Children. GOAL: To take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basic If you w...

                      • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

                        Please consider Sponsoring a child in the Garden of Hope Ministry Family

                        ...such as orphans, widows, disadvantaged youths, elders and vulnerable people. We believed we are able to build a sustainable community and defeat poverty in a large number of families...