Results for "Fellowship of The Father"


    • Kuruse ● Grace Chosen Children Ministry

      Thank You!

      James 1:27 Brethren, the Bible says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is t...

      • Hope and Rescue Missions International


        Age: 9 Years Fees: 49 USD Class: Primary Three This is among the first children who w...s an ongoing school child in primary three. He adopted after the death of his father who died of AIDS. After the d...

        • Hope and Rescue Missions International


          Age:10 Years Fees:43USD Class:Primary One Alamanzam is a brother to Kakaire Abdul He was also adopted after the death of his father kakaire soibu who dead of HIV. In future, he wants to become an accountant. He is also good in football and athletics

          • Hope and Rescue Missions International

            MUTESI ELINAH

            Age: 9 Years  Fees: 49 USD Class: Primary Three This girl was adopted following the death of her father. Her mother is currently suffering from cancer. She wants to be a manager.

            • Hope and Rescue Missions International

              WAKIBI ELIJAH

              Age: 13 Years Fees: 60 USD Class: Primary Five. This is the humblest boy in the organization, his father died and he has been struggling with life until just of recent when he was adopted at HOCI. He wants to be a lawyer

              • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                NFAKI SAMUEL

                Age: 13 Years Fees: 52 USD    Class: Primary Four After the death of his father, he went to live with his mother but the step father started mistreating him until he was adopted at HOCI. His future plan is to become a manager

                • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                  OSAKA GERALD

                  Age: 7 Years Fees: 38USD Class: Primary One  He is a brother to nfaki samueil. Also After the death of his father, he went to live with his month but the step father started mistreating him until he was adopted at HOCI. His future plan is to become a pilot

                  • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                    KAKAIRE ABDUL

                    Age: 7 years. Fees: 38 USD.  Class: Primary One He was adopted after the death of his father kakaire soibu who dead of HIV. In future, eh wants to become a doctor. He spends most of his time reading and practicing leadership.

                    • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                      NAIKWANGA JOANITAH

                      Age: 16 Years Fees: 86 USD Class: Senior Two Joan is the oldest child among the children at HOCI. She was adopted after being forced to go and marry by his drunkard step father at an early age. She wants to be a policewoman

                      • Kirunda Sula CCM

                        Love is the desire to do good to others

                        When you sow Love, you reap Love When you sow love, you reap love , the love will...t, ..let us be an  example of your love and forgiveness,  Thank you father for the Light and honour of b...