Results for "Lucifer's Declaration of Liberty"

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    • Tom

      How can a Department of the government give blanket immunity like this? I thought an individual of a covered countermeasure if a Declaration has been issued with respect to such countermeasure.’’ In Section IV of the Declara...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        My Divine Instruction of the Great Adonai I AM is the most practical application of the Truth of Creative Authorship .....nded Master who earned their freedom hath fulfilled this Great Creative Word Declara...

        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

          URANTIA QUESTION AND POSSIBLE ANSWERS The Freshman Test of Knowledge of The [Urantia] Papers Please provide all fifty (50) responses: 1–3. Name the three persons of...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            101:4.2 Mankind should understand that we who participate in the revelation of truth are very rigorously limited by the instructions of our superiors. We are not at liberty to anticipate the scientific...

            • Kato Pare

              MASTER OF PAIN We call our home---The Universe, which is a...ce the world that you have passed from bondage to liberty, from death into life The new law of the spirit endows you with the liberty of self-mastery in place of t...

              • Nuwagaba Emmanuel

                THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE Whatever the difficulties evolutionary mortals may encounter in their efforts to understand the Lucifer rebellion, it should be clear to all reflec...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  93:5.13 When Melchizedek heard of Abraham’s declaration of war, he went forth to dissuade him but only caught up with his former disciple as he returned victorious from the ba...

                  • Jameson Niwamanya

                    “Verily, verily, I say to you, he who rules his own self is greater than he who another you are to convince the world that you have passed from bondage to liberty, from death into life everlas...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      141:5.1 One of the most eventful of all the evening conferences at Amathus was the you should all see alike? I have come into the world to proclaim spiritual liberty to the end that mortals may b...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        13:4.5 The determiner of the differential of spiritual presence exists in your own hearts...nal beings, beings whom the Universal Father has ordained shall exercise this liberty of choosing. And the Deities...