Results for "Doctors Against Vaccines"

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    • Hope and Rescue Missions International

      OUR MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD OF FRIENDS Let us fight and we restore the happiness...ho is about 3 kilometers away from the area. This is a state owned enterprise and the doctors...

      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

        Touching story about the woman in great pain which calls for your attention. The brothers results shows that there is born missorder and the kidney got a problem. From the Doctors,...

        • Hope and Rescue Missions International

          We have tried as much as possible what we can, the doctors have tried, the school staff and friends but God has given us the final answer. This is the saddest moment because every...

          • Alberta-Agorists

            RE: Tragedy In Rural Alberta, A Courageous Doctor Speaks Out. Daniel Nagase--ONE of only a few doctors...

            • Ahimbisibwe Lazarus

              SpiritualFamily.Net Campaigns Ahimbisibwe Lazarus Ahimbisibwe Lazarus Campaign for the...lack of money for hospital services but I was having to much painful but the hospital doctors...