Results for "Ani SFN 80x80"

Wall posts

    • Monica Kemp

      Hi, there! Welcome to SFN,Christ Michael Center! May I pray to our Universe Parents that as we live, breathe and move in our Universal Father through our rother Jesus, all will be to his glory and to the benefit of our Supreme Being! "Love is the desire to do good to others." UB 56:10.21

      • Mubangizi Osbert

        Let me share with you this on this beautiful Sunday Urantia 196:0.11 In the earthly life of Jesus religion was direct experience and personal movement from spiritual r...

        • Ndyamuhaki Nelson

          Spiritual growth is mutually stimulated by intimate association with other religionists. Love supplies the soil for religious growth -an objective lure in the place of...

          • Akankwasa Moses

            Julius's book has not only brought hope to us but also faith and humanity in our community as how Jesus did. Am in my 50s , Julius has been my teacher for the revelati...

            • Arigonza fred

              Great thanks to our Papa for organizing the SFN conference

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                SFN in in need of funds for revelation outreach work in Africa Can You Help

                • Gumisiriza Julius

                  Great Adventures in Uganda's Fifth Epochal Revelation and Food forest Program. See at Amazon See attached links. Paper back Version AMAZON

                  • Gumisiriza Julius


                    • Soren K Vestergaard

                      Yesterday, Urantia Sharing received a request for 200 Urantia Books from South Africa. While we are committed to providing books, we kindly requested more clarifying i...

                      • Soren K Vestergaard

                        Urantia Sharing Newsletter was sent to 167 selected persons, saying: "Urantia Sharing: 255 requests in just 48 hours! Dear friend in Christ After relaunching Uranti...