Results for "A Training Manual"

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    • Kato Pare

      PAPER 138 TRAINING THE KINGDOM’S MESSENGERS After preaching the sermon on ‘’The Kingdom, Jesus called the six apostles together that afternoon and began to disclose...

      • Olupot Joseph

        Praise the Lord brethren ,I'm Olupot joseph the executive director of the of holy Samaritan purse orphanage (HOSAPO)....ike HIV/AIDS, DRUG ABUSE by engaging them in so many activities like games and traini...


          Hello! site members from the world wide, today we are here sending our greetings to you all saying that Good evening...est you all to joining us on to contributing to our Funderiser for SUPPORTING TRAINI...

          • RICHARD KATONO

            Good evening brothers and sisters? we are here shows you about to where we have reached to with our kids about to traini...

            • Mugabane isaac

              Mugabane charity foundation AIMS AND OBJECTIVES * Promote the rights of children * Promote cost effective education...organizations through home based care services to orphans *Operate vocational traini...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                This Group God Discovered provides many inspirational Teaching materials free to download and use for those entering...l of Jesus. Videos, Vlogs, Interviews, Devotions, Jesus MeetUp curriculum, traini...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  84:7.26 Civilization regards the parents as assuming all duties, the child as having all the rights. Respect of the c...implied in parental procreation, but naturally grows as a result of the care, traini...

                  • Ngambeki Barnabas

                    Sometimes all training worlds of mortal residence are called universe “mansions,” and it was to such spheres that Jesus alluded when he said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” 30:4.17

                    • Ngambeki Barnabas

                      47:3.1 (532.7) On the mansion worlds the resurrected mortal survivors resume their lives just where they left off (or another in case of advanced status) you will resume your intellectual traini...

                      • Faith Anthony

                        Human beings are the lowest level of freewill creatures in the universe. We are all born...working in service missions or playing, we are in training. As we progress from earth to...ues are used to communicate knowledge. One hour of traini...