Results for "Urantia Papers"

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    • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

      Prayer is a Dialogue Prayer is only monologuous in the most primitive type of mind. It e...eligious ministry is visualized as personal. ~ The Urantia Book, (91:1.4) When man lear...ality a communion between man and his Maker. ~ The Uranti...

      • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

        ...with these two guiding lines from different papers of the urantia book. In the affairs of men'...purpose of wisdom and love triumphs. ~ The Urantia Book, (3:5.3) God repents of...ively directs the creative free will. ~ The Urantia Book, (4:3.4)

        • Yourantiaman

          Don't ask me for money -Don't befriend me with nothing, no words or reason - Don't befriend me just because I am familiar with The Urantia Book - Don't befriend me without any interest.

          • Matte Jockas

            The Foundations of Religious Faith Paper 102:0.1 (1118.1) Introduces us to the understanding of Foundations of Reli...t to everything in human desire which is beautiful, noble, lofty, and good." - Uranti...

            • Ahulire Narasis

              Greetings to all members of Urantia book readers in Uganda Africa and Western region part of Uganda but most especially to my favorite people in fort portal tourism cit...

              • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

                Jesus Teaches of Faith Jesus made plain to his apostles the difference between the repentance of so-called good work...nd assurance of the indwelling of God's spirit of love and saving grace. ~ The Uranti...

                • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

                  Jesus Teaches of Faith Jesus made plain to his apostles the difference between the repentance of so-called good work...nd assurance of the indwelling of God's spirit of love and saving grace. ~ The Uranti...

                  • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

                    In order to yield the fruits of the spirit, you must be born of the spirit. You must be taught by the spirit and be led by the spirit if you would live the spirit-filled life among your fellows." ~ The Urantia Book, (156:5.1)

                    • Magara Benjamin

                      Dear UB readers, I am thrilled to share some exciting news with al...pecial collaboration with the URANTIA sharing group. Our joint miss...velation contained within the URANTIA books reach those who are eag...e to receive a shipment of 50 URANTIA books from Brother Soren. The...

                      • Billy John Waiswa

                        Dear friends, greetings from me and Youth in Act-Uganda. I need your prayers and support in my endeavors of reaching...pplies, we also talk to them about God. In a mission to expand and spread the Uranti...