Results for "Parliament of World%E2%80%99s Religions 2018"

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    • Mudumba Joel

      Hello brothers and sisters please our country has been out back to rock down due to the high covid-19 spread in Uganda and we really seriously put of food in stock t...

      • Mudumba Joel

        Hello brothers and sisters I great you all in the night name of our lord jesus christ... I want to inform you all that our president here in Uganda promised atotal loc...

        • Godwin Nasser

          Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 38 percent of the goal needed 600CAD and this will help to to buy 3 trips of sand, 1 trip of bricks...

          • Godwin Nasser

            Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 38 percent of the goal needed 600CAD and this will help to to buy 3 trips of sand, 1 trip of bricks...

            • Godwin Nasser

              Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 45 percent of the goal needed 600CAD and this will help to to buy the whole sand needed and bricks n...

              • Billy John Waiswa

                Rivers don't drink their own water, trees don't eat their own fruit, the sun doesn't shine on itself and flowers don't spread their fragrance for themselves. Living fo...

                • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

                  Reasons for reading Urantia 1. is one of those rare books that can actually transform your thinking and your life 2. provides new information about God 3. provides...

                  • Ahulire Narasis

                    Greetings to all members of Urantia book readers in Uganda Africa and Western region part of Uganda but most especially to my favorite people in fort portal tourism ci...

                    • Faith Anthony

                      Take our Survey: What Kind of Christian are You? How to Know God Personally What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Home How to Know God Personally Shoul...

                      • Ahulire Narasis

                        Hey world this the time to show our heavenly Father that the commission he a sighned to do that we are very committed to a complish it then we will be capable to receive all promises he promised to us through his son Michael stay blessed,,