Results for "Make It Yours"

Wall posts

    • Darlene Hedrick Sartore

      Discovery of this Internet Site is another spiritually uplifting experience. Ea...escribed in the Urantia Papers. Together as divinely-inspired we make it easy to discover who is doing what where to help us make...

      • Gumisiriza Julius

        Any kind of help will make a difference in my life and community, you can donate God bless you.

        • Gumisiriza Julius

          Any kind of help will make a difference in my life and community, you can donate God bless you.

          • Gumisiriza Julius

            Wisdom warns you!! “How long, O naive ones [you who are easily misled], will you love being simple-minded and u...ention to my rebuke, Behold, I [Wisdom] will pour out my spirit on you; I will make...

            • Gumisiriza Julius

              Any kind of help for food is welcomed, whatever you have can make a great difference in our family Food family support campaign still on going, whoeverwants to donate or sharing this...

              • Kato Pare

                Answers for 10 Questions 8-5-2022 for this Week discussion 1. Why is there suffering in the world? 2. Will the world? 3. Because we are imperfect beings with free will, we sometimes make...

                • Billy John Waiswa

                  Setting up an Apiary Part2 #Bees #Youth in Act-Uganda To support this work please follow this link to make a one time or monthly donation. Thanks Godseed!

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    Hi son, I posted a Campaign for you on our Network. To be successful first you need to make friends who once they know you and learn to love you may be willing to assist you. So ask only friends t...

                    • Somebody please delete this profile!

                      Thank you all for accepting me into your spiritual family. I send blessings from Colorado. I must make...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        5:1.1 The inability of the finite creature to approach the infinite Father is inherent, not in the Father’s aloofn...vere. We’re told that climate change is here! Just a few degrees of change Can make...