Results for "family of Foodstep"

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    • Godwin Nasser

      Hello friends and family, I was blessed when I was reading this revelation of God.

      • Kato Pare

        PAPER 138 TRAINING THE KINGDOM’S MESSENGERS After preaching the sermon on ‘’The Kingdom, Jesus called the six Cana, was the starting point of an ever-widening gulf between Jesus and his family....

        • Evangelist  George  Kateu

          Hello everyone, greetings from Uganda and Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda. Hope all is well and God is still protecting you and your family.

          • Atwijukye Graham

            Hello, am very glad to join this family

            • Godwin Nasser

              Create certainty for life and security of my family by donating what you can to help us repair our house to provide security and certainty for life

              • Godwin Nasser

                Also! Trying sincerely praying for what the Father would have you do! Then go about towards building a better house for the Urantia family of the revelation and to crea...ll do a great thing towards the life of blessing a family o...

                • Godwin Nasser

                  Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 4 percent of the goal needed 600CAD and this wil...can not help in this financially you can share my campaign. https://spiritualfamily.n...

                  • Godwin Nasser

                    Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 38 percent of the go...ighbors as they love themselves. Godwin Nasser a Urantia book reader. spiritualfamily.n...

                    • Godwin Nasser

                      Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 38 percent of the go...ighbors as they love themselves. Godwin Nasser a Urantia book reader. spiritualfamily.n...

                      • Godwin Nasser

                        Dear brothers,sisters and family again am reaching out to you for help and support to to complete the the funds nee...e of funds and those who helped by sharing,may God bless you. https://spiritualfamily.n...