Wall posts

    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

      To my friend who asked me how I understand the characteristics of the apostles as portrayed in the UB. The characte...iritual Desire*: Andrew was sensitive to the things of God and wanted to have fellow...

      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

        Why it was important to have an orphanage care community and program for the orphas The...port networks 10. Trauma and psychological distress Additionally, orphans in Kaliro may face specific challenges...

        • Magara Benjamin

          An Appeal for Support towards the growth of Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family. Dear Brothers an...Christ Michael Center Kampala fellowship family, I am compelled to rea...appeal for your support. Our fellowship is currently composed of over...rowth: Your investment in our fellow...

          • Soren K Vestergaard

            Dear beloved friend, As of today, we have shipped 60 Urantia Books to Uganda, and we pray that these books will find...ll be on July 31, 2024, and we have already sought help from the Urantia Book Fellow...