Results for "End Times"

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    • Ahimbisibwe Lazarus

      ...ause of lack of money for hospital services but I was having to much painful but the hospital doctors he was decided to operate me for surgery two times in my private part one side t...

      • Kisa Esau

        The population of homeless kids, orphans in Uganda increases everyday due to the lack of jobs. The number of school dropouts is also increasing , under ages to conceiv...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          124:1.10 Even during the warmest summer months a cool sea breeze usually blew from the west from 10:00 AM until about 10:00 PM. But every now and then terrific hot win...

          • Tumwijukye simon

   do that count. I’m glad You’re with me through my day. You’ve helped me in so many ways. If I look to find the truth, I see the seeds at times their roots.

            • Tumwijukye simon

     life’s conclusion. We learn lessons from confusion. That’s the school we call “hard knocks.” If we don’t learn, our lives can stop. Often times that makes us listen. We fin...

              • Kato Pare

                ...this strength of character so that we can be called one of His own. Sometimes it seems that the pain never...e fear of self-bondage and the slavery of self-denial. 143:2.5 “Many times, when you have done evil, you...

                • Jameson Niwamanya

                  118:8.2 Mortal man is a machine, a living mechanism; his roots are truly in the physical world of energy. Many human reactions are mechanical in nature; much of life i...

                  • Jameson Niwamanya

                    73:2.0 From their highland headquarters and from sixty-one far-scattered settlements, Van and Amadon recruited a corps of over three thousand willing and enthusiastic...

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      ...real father, a true father, loves his children, so the Universal Father loves and forever seeks the welfare of his created sons and daughters. At times I am almost pained to be comp...

                      • Nuwagaba Emmanuel

               animal existence,through the intervening ages ,and down to the later times when a real ,though imperfec...vities . The blue man most of all profited by these early social recent times the yellow race and the white...