Results for "The Plan to Control every Aspect of Human Experience"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      The Maturing Person The evidence of maturity of personality consists in the transformation of human desire so that it constantly seeks...those values which are highest and most divinely real. 160:1.13

      • Gumisiriza Julius

        New symbolism “Modern man must find some adequate symbolism for his new and expanding ideas, ideals, and loyalties. This enhanced symbol must arise out of religious living, spiritual experience.” 87:7.6 (966.1)

        • Tumwijukye simon

          The Urantia Book depicts the life of Jesus Christ in...- Jesus was a divine personality who wanted to experience the life of a human being ¹. - Jesus' life was di...onstrate the potential spiritual height that a human being can attain ¹. - Jesus taught...