Wall posts

    • Lindianne  Sappington

      To our faithful Ugandan correspondents, Youth in Act Uganda Director Waiswa John Billy, You...ry/Orphanage Mbabazi Kevin, student of constitution and governmen...ine. I pray our supporters tell friends and colleagues about ou...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        49:4.5Seasons and temperature variations occur on all sunlighted and sun-heated...ths it will unfold. Our shelters must withstand this too So we can work at what we do! About our weather we have learned What we...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          130;8.3At Messina they stopped for only one day, but that was long enough to ch...We open eyes and light comes in. We realize what...le! That is, if we’re all sincere And truly know compassion! Imagine God is with you now. What you...

          • Mugabane isaac

            We thank you for your continued support, prayers, We made resolution and change, the name of care ministries to MUGABANE CHARITY FOUNDATION and legally registered with the governme...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              ...d his saving grace. Since God knows all about his children, it is easy for...reality. There is a place I want to go. Timing reflects traffi...d to use your traffic tools. What’s a traffic tool you ask? pause or even doubt. You know wher...the traffic truths! They take what eve...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                *THERE ARE 3 TYPES OF PEOPLE IN OUR LIVES :* *1.*...d* on them because they are WEAK, they *only come* to TAKE what they WANT but.... .* ⬛ These people are *very important* because they DON'T DO...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  110:6.13The seventh circle. This level is entered when human beings develop! The weather’s great! My spirit flies! I know...y away, it can be fun! Look inside and find what’s th...delude/dilute your mind. Accept the fact of what you...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    97:7.5 This Isaiah conducted a far-flung propagan...sal Father. No more beautiful pronouncements about the heavenly Father have ever..., slowly fall, Or be brutal like a wall. Whatever...hallenge those around you to Do the best in what the...

                    • Billy John Waiswa

                      Hello everyone, It's my pleasure to come to you this day. Hope thi...he plan. If you would like to watch our Zoom meetings please what the video on the YouTube link shared here and don't fo...

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        Dear Friends, I found this worth sharing .supermarket and bought her husband a...ill do nothing but love each other. I don’t know...her man or woman whom they have not grown to know? ~...on’t have a father or mother like others? ~ What is...