Results for "Prophets Today"

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    • Kato Pare

      Thanks for the donors today i still need your support and prayers May the almighty God bless you.

      • Bazira Esther Charity

        When the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding; but when the wicked perish, the righteous thrive. Join us today to as we rise in the power of the Lord to look after these little Angels at Merry Heart Foundation God bless you as you join us.


          Helloh Brothers and sisters from the different places we send our greetings to you as we say Good evening to you all? Today as WESTERN URANTIA BOOK READE...

          • RICHARD KATONO

            Hello! site members from the world wide, today we are here sending our greetings to you all saying that Good evening here? for sure we are very glad to be with you here and the reason why...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              100:2.2Spiritual growth is first an awakening to needs, next...with mere theological beliefs. Who/What Leads You? Today’s a day of mind expansion. Th...that truth shows us the way Is all we need to grow today! You’re either growing or yo...

              • Gumisiriza Julius

                Let me pray for you as you donate to cause this campaign happen God bless you. Father...said you shall give us a sound and peaceful mind. I pray this manifests in us today. I pray for your favour, lov...

                • Kato Pare

                  TRUTH Today's UB study 26.April.2022 Is the love of truth and the willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable? If so, that is why we must begin our existence in a...

                  • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

                    The destiny of eternity is determined moment by moment by the achievements of the day by day living. The acts of today are the destiny of tomorrow. (The Urantia Book, 48:7.26)

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      Today we had a great discussion with Brother Angello. In Kabale, a great time !

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        27:7.7Sometimes all Paradise becomes engulfed in a dominating tide of spiritual and wor...e full satisfaction to the infinite love of the Creator Father! Our Direction Today we have a lot to do. We wish...