Results for "No Food"

Wall posts

    • Wandha Yoweri

      sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.

      • Wandha Yoweri

        sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.

        • Wandha Yoweri

          sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.

          • Wandha Yoweri

            sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.

            • Wandha Yoweri

              sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.

              • Wandha Yoweri

                we are lacking food at the moment hope we get some support for food

                • Wandha Yoweri

                  calling for support friends, we need food, medication, clothes, education , shelter etc so you can support us with anything you may afford to help with.

                  • Wandha Yoweri

                    calling for support friends, we need food, medication, clothes, education , shelter etc so you can support us with anything you may afford to help with.

                    • Hope and Rescue Missions International

             my brothers and sisters. Kindly stand with us to make the orphaned Uganda live a better life. We have 29 people under our care. They need daily food, clothes, shelter, school fee...

                      • Mwandha Julius

                        Matthew 25:35-40 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you...