Results for "Grace"

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    • Faith Anthony

      ...received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” 8 We Receive Christ Through Faith “By grace you have been saved through f...

      • Billy John Waiswa

        ...oject each year. To support this cause please donate via the link below. Thanks Godspeed!


          Good afternoon? brothers and sisters from the different places of the world,we are here because of God's grace, thanks for the your support to us,thank you all.

          • Lindianne  Sappington

            ...r beehive purchased with funds donated through Snake River Music Gardens. The honey and beeswax, propolis and pollen from this hive will help His Grace Children's Home become food s...

            • Lindianne  Sappington

              ...p. I love my Ugandan brothers and sisters (met through and am doing outreach to find financial support for the orphanage His Grace Children's Home. We are sett...

              • Ahulire Narasis

                ...iritual network appreciating all donors who enabled us to be part of the conference! By supporting us with the transport and we thank God for his grace and mercy that endures foreve...

                • Tumwijukye simon

         call forth his loving-kindness. The creature’s need is wholly sufficient to insure the full flow of the Father’s tender mercies and his saving grace. Since God knows all about hi...

                  • Gumisiriza Julius

                    ...ome to know - and experience - this saving fact of the Father's indwelling presence, it can transform a mediocre life into one of renewed purpose, grace and goodness. About the th...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      ...l help world problems all be solved. Steadfast faith is what we need. In times of trouble, we need love seeds. The will of God will grow with grace. Love will rule the human ra...

                      • Ngambeki Barnabas

               the eternal now! Do you understand that you are just at the beginning; Never the less do you do what is needed to grow in and by grace? Message for January 2 fro...