Results for "2019-06 Quote Album"

Wall posts

    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      132:3.6 Faith acts to release the superhuman activities of the divine spark, the immortal germ, that lives within the mind of man, and which is the potential of eterna...

      • Gumisiriza Julius

        What Happens when we die children's version. This question is fr...beings." (Paper 30:1.1) This quote suggests that after death, in...nitor" (Paper 112:2.12) This quote indicates that after death, t...s will." (Paper 45:2.1) This quote indicates that in the afterli...ere." (Paper 47:1.3) These quote...

        • Magara Benjamin

          Greetings everyone! I wanted to let you know about the good news that has been happening just of recent. On friday...week I traveled to kabale kigezi with 6 books to brother George of CMC kigezi. Quote...