Results for "Uganda Children's Charity"

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    • Lindianne  Sappington

      To our faithful Ugandan correspondents, Youth in Act Uganda Director Waiswa John Billy, Youth in Act - Uganda Agriculturist Joseph Mulopi,...supporters of Youth in Act - Uganda) Arthur and I are grateful t...r and drought.  The people of Uganda are engaged in a great and go...

      • Lindianne  Sappington

        Dear Helmut, Thank you for inviting me to join your group. I love my Ugandan brothers and sisters (met through and am doing outreach to find financial support for the orphanage His Grace Childre...

        • Billy John Waiswa

          Setting up an Apiary Part2 #Bees #Youth in Act-Uganda To support this work please follow this link to make a one time or monthly donation. Thanks Godseed!

          • Gumisiriza Julius

            Dear Brothers and Sisters You can share this Campaign or donate. The money collected will be transportation for The Jinja Urantia conference in Uganda...

            • Manyi john


              • Manyi john

                Day 1 . Group v of the August Uganda urantia conference. Me and my friends and answering together some of the questions that have been rolling into our minds. Questio...

                • Katerega Sadam

                  Hey friend, kindly request for your support towards buying food and help our children to go back to school

                  • Gumisiriza Julius

                    Dear Brothers and Sisters. We are appealing for assistance towards the revelation work of the...ile donating please state whether it's for the revelation work or for food support. Uganda...

                    • Najibu

                      Hello every one its me Najibu again asking for your help of these children in my district Kamuli

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        Dear Brothers and Sisters. We are appealing for assistance towards the revelation work of the...ile donating please state whether it's for the revelation work or for food support. Uganda...