Results for "Father"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      ...o give at least one try! Explore yourself as life goes by. What do you hold true and dear? What are your goals? What do you fear? Thank You, Father, for direction. Towards perf...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        ...Listen to the Guy inside. He’s with you when you do decide. Standby what you think is right. Be guided by what’s called insight. Thank You, Father, for this path. I like to wa...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          ...ory told. Grow your story in a way That shows you better ways to play. Growing up in what we do Leads us all to what is true. Thank You, Father, You have reached A part of...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            ...e. We’re making movies of our lives. The Spirit force within does thrive. As we do, we do decide. I do believe I’ll never die! Thank You, Father, for Your book. On it’s pag...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              ...ou have a faith in Man? We arose from, yes, God‘s hand. He has faith in the Human Race. He feels we’ll learn His love and grace. Thank You, Father, fear runs deep. But You en...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                ...OOK FELLOWSHIP KABALE • Youth Urantia Scholars • Easy Learning Africa Other Revelation Resources and Study Material Groups • Ambassadors of the Father - Apostles of Christ serving...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  ...g Adjuster, all of which lead directly to an increased desire to do the Father’s will, thereby fostering involved! The schools can’t teach what you must solve. Thank You Father/Mother/More. What e’er You...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    ...ealth. So what we plant within our fields Is what eventually gives yield To a crop of which we have Far too much, do the math. Thank You, Father, there must be ways To vary...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      ...u will get all that you need As it’s the will of God you seek. God knows what the best way is. Courage means there must be risk. Thank You, Father, for your bounty. Never can...

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        ...experience. Paper 137;8. In my father's kingdom, there shall be nei...that he who would be great in my father's kingdom must first serve o...6:4 Intelligent do not fear their father in order to receive good gift...umans have duty to our universal father but we can find him by expre...