Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon posted 1 images

      109:0.1 4&5 Human existence constitutes a period of practice which is effectively utilized by the Adjuster in preparing for the increased responsibilities and the greater opportunities of a future life. But the Adjuster’s efforts, while living within you, are not so much concerned with the affairs of temporal life and planetary existence. Today, the Thought Adjusters are, as it were, rehearsing the realities of the universe career in the evolving minds of human beings.

      Film Making
      Dark before the sun arises.
      A longer day means more surprises.
      We will find, and walk a path
      And learn from errors of the past.

      Advancement’s done by increments.
      Time may change our sentiments.
      Slowly deep inside we change.
      We see further down the range.

      As this occurs, we do advance.
      On the stage of life, we learn to dance.
      Many different types of steps.
      We learn in life to have respect

      Respect for things we can’t control.
      Storms will always take a toll
      This world spins on, its path is set.
      Respect for things not learned as yet.

      We are pixels in a picture.
      God is on brand new adventures.
      Moving pictures here and there
      To make a pixel more aware.

      We’re making movies of our lives.
      The Spirit force within does thrive.
      As we do, we do decide.
      I do believe I’ll never die!

      Thank You, Father, for Your book.
      On it’s pages I am hooked.
      It’s changed the pathways of my thinking
      Improved the pictures I’ve been taking.