Results for "personality"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Human personality Human personality is the time-space image-shadow cast by the divine Creator personality. And no actuality can ever be adequately comprehended by an examination of its shadow. Shadows should be interpreted in terms of the true substance. 1:6.1

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Personality Of Love God is not a hypothesis formulated to unify the human concepts of truth, beauty, and goodness; he is the personality of love from whom all of these universe manifestations are derived. 196:3.24

        • Godwin Nasser

 drama of evolutionary attainment is being unfolded as takes place, on a vastly larger scale, in the universe of universes. Man, a volitional personality, becomes creative in liaison...

          • Yourantiaman

            With Light, Life & Love will we move forward into higher perceptions of truth , beauty and goodness, toward perfection in spirit and personality.

            • Agustin

     Ecuador 8 am Breakfast 9 am Fourth Presentation Sandra Naranjo President of Ecuador Association AUI 10 am Identity and Transcendence 5 Personality 11:30 am Fifth Presentation X...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                ...ext a discernment of meanings, and then a discovery of values. The evidence of true spiritual development consists in the exhibition of a human personality motivated by love, activated...

                • Kato Pare

         is one part of you that remains absolutely unaltered, and that is personality—permanence in the presence of...ange. Wow! This Solitary Messenger sure knows how to start off the “Personality Survival” paper with a bang!

                  • Kato Pare

                    ...Book describes life on the seven mansion worlds. When we awaken on the first mansion world, we will have a new body and new mind, but the same personality; we will remember who we were...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

            ’s aloofness, but in the finiteness and material limitations of created beings. The magnitude of the spiritual difference between the highest personality of universe existence and the...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        117:5.6 The progressing personality leaves a trailof actualized reality as it passes through the ascending...growing creations of timeand space are modified by the progression of personality through their domains. When m...