Results for "Easy Lerning Africa"

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    • Kato Pare

      • Kato Pare

        • Kato Pare

          • Kato Pare

            I take this opportunity to thank for the all donors who has been with me to grow up

            • Kato Pare


              • Olupot Joseph

                Praise the Lord brethren ,I'm Olupot joseph the executive...cation ,safe drinking water etc. Many children in Africa where some of them are Aids o...Your loved ones from Uganda Africa....

                • Ahulire Narasis

                  Greetings to all members of Urantia book readers in Uganda Africa and Western region part of Uganda but most especially to my favorite people in fort portal tourism city warmly welcoming you to thi...

                  • RICHARD KATONO

                    We the organization for WESTERN URANTIA BOOK READERS from the Western part of Uganda Africa,we are here by seeking the support from the good Samaritans in the world, thanks.

                    • RICHARD KATONO

                      Helloh Brothers and sisters from the different places we send our greetings to you all? Today as WESTERN URANTIA BOOK READERS from the Western part of Uganda Africa, we tried to visiting some of...

                      • RICHARD KATONO

                        Hello! site members from the world wide, today we are here sending our greetings to yo...G TRAINING FOR WESTERN URANTIA BOOK OUTREACH REVELATIONS IN SHEEMA CITY UGANDA AFRICA CAMPAIGN thanks for the your...