Wall posts

    • Lwebaaga Denis


      • Deadrick Baker ∴ The Legacy

        The Legacy ∴ A Foundation For Human Progress YouTube Translating The Truth (UB or Not) into a way the young generation & the average person can understand. Would love ur feedback guys

        • Helmut Wallner

          Let me inform you all that we have also opened a FB Messenger Group: "EUROPEAN AFRICAN FAMILIES UNITED" You are welcome to join this Group or ask for Invitation! Let us get in contact with each other & have some blessed conversations!

          • Deadrick Baker ∴ The Legacy

            The Legacy ∴ What is Religion? (God & Religion)

            • Kato Pare


              • Yourantiaman

                With Light, Life & Love will we move forward into higher perceptions of truth , beauty and goodness, toward perfection in spirit and personality.

                • Musasizi aggrey

                  Hello brothers and sisters am musasizi aggrey from Uganda Please donate to us our children at the orphanage home are starving to hunger

                  • Gumisiriza Julius


                    • Kato Pare

                      Answers for 10 Questions 8-5-2022 for this Week discussion 1. Why is there sufferin...the world end? 7. What does the future hold for me & my family? 8. Is there life a...nd Times idea. 7. What does the future hold for me & my fam...

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        I love songs of Pato, please feel free to download and listen to them, a...OF CHRIST 2 Instruction For Teachers & Believers https://spiritualfa...t-the-camp.mp3 Discourse On Sonship & Citizenship https://spiritual...scourse-on-mind.mp3 Sermon On Trust & Spirit...