Results for "Finding Role Models For Our Children"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      132:2.5.2 An experience is good when it heightens the app...Now we take no time to read. We’ve raised our children up with weeds. Weeds distrac...t the deal! Don’t depend upon TV To teach your children reality. You have got to be...

      • Kauta Benns Kelith

        The son is selected, a young MiRRORS urantia leader evangel minister of children of his age now. His postor I will send Michael lads group elect.

        • Kato Pare

          MASTER OF PAIN We call our home---The Universe, which...the self-denial of the flesh, albeit the Father’s children who have been born of the; it also is the gift of God. And if you are the children of this living faith, you are...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            94:7.3 Amid the confusion and extreme cult practices of India, the saner and more moderate with rain and sun. Spring weather patterns have begun. We can adopt a Farmer’s role. T...

            • Ngambeki Barnabas

              The will of God does not uniformly prevail in the heart of the God-seeking material m...iscernible in the spirit fruits which are borne in the lives of the spirit-led children of God. 12:7.7

              • Kato Pare

                Paper 127 The Adolescent Years 127:0.1 (1395.1) AS JESUS entered upon his adolescent...d in the flesh for the express purpose of revealing his Paradise Father to the children of men. 127:0.2 (1395.2) No...

                • Gumisiriza Julius

                  Interesting video, With Gim Gale Food Forest Abundance.

                  • Gumisiriza Julius

                    God's Love is Fatherly and lasts forever. But the love o...a father, a real father, a true father, loves his children, so the Universal Father love...affection of the heavenly Father for his universe children by the employment of the huma...

                    • Mugabane isaac

                      Hey everyone! Second term is here and schools are opening...the debts, school fees and food of most vulnerable children, Apparently we need to raise...40$ for food and basic needs for the disadvantaged children! Our vision is to educate and...

                      • Nuwagaba Emmanuel

                        THE DAWN OF CIVILIZATION This is the beginning of the narrative of the long, long f...zation is a racial acquirement, it is not biologically inherent,hence must all children be reared in an environment o...