Results for "Kampala, Africa From Mafubira, Mukono, Uganda"

Wall posts

    • Manyi john

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Pato and Antoinette's Africa Tour at Muga Child Outreach Philly Mugweri

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Pato & Antoinette Africa Tour NLAM Joseph Oyuki

          • Manyi john

            Day 1 . Group v of the August Uganda urantia conference. Me and my friends and answering together some of the questions that have been rolling into our minds. Questions like . Are...

            • Gumisiriza Julius

              Dear Brothers and Sisters. We are appealing for assistance towards the revelation wor...nating please state whether it's for the revelation work or for food support. Uganda is embracing these revelation...

              • Gumisiriza Julius

                Dear Brothers and Sisters. We are appealing for assistance towards the revelation wor...nating please state whether it's for the revelation work or for food support. Uganda is embracing these revelation...

                • Mugabane isaac

                  We thank you for your continued support, prayers, We made resolution and change, the name of our organization from li...OUNDATION and legally registered with the government of Uganda as a CBO community based orga...

                  • Gumisiriza Julius

                    Dear Brothers and Sisters. We are appealing for assistance towards the revelation wor...nating please state whether it's for the revelation work or for food support. Uganda is embracing these revelation...

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      Dear Brothers and Sisters. We are appealing for assistance towards the revelation wor...nating please state whether it's for the revelation work or for food support. Uganda is embracing these revelation...

                      • Billy John Waiswa

                        Hello everyone, It's my pleasure to come to you this day. Hope this finds you well. Fo...ic Plan than will guide us in the implementation of the Food Forest Program in Uganda to avert famine and stabilize...