Results for "inner experience"

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    • Ndyamuhaki Nelson

      193:0.3 (2052.3) “And now you should give ear to my wor...e lived the God-revealing bestowal that you might experience the God-knowing career. I hav...l ascend the universe of universes and attain the experience of finding God the Father on...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        CLICK IMAGE TO ANIMATE 48:7.18 16. You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Feelings Too Deep For Words It is high time that man had a religious experience so personal and so sublime that it could be realized and expressed only by "feelings that lie too deep for words." 99:5.9

          • Tumwijukye simon

            130:3.7 Jesus and Ganid spent much time in the museum during their stay in Alexandr...t them. The pride of unspiritualized learning is a treacherous thing in human experience. The true teacher maintains h...