Results for "Photo Of The Day"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      100:4.2 Religious perplexities are inevitable; there can be no growth without psychic conflict and spiritual agitation. The organization of a philosophic standard of l...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        100:4.2 Religious perplexities are inevitable; there can be no growth without psychic conflict and spiritual agitation. The organization of a philosophic standard of l...

        • Jameson Niwamanya

          118:8.2 Mortal man is a machine, a living mechanism; his roots are truly in the physical world of energy. Many human reactions are mechanical in nature; much of life i...

          • Jameson Niwamanya

            73:2.0 From their highland headquarters and from sixty-one far-scattered settlements, Van and Amadon recruited a corps of over three thousand willing and enthusiastic...

            • Kato Pare

              Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ- We as Youth Urantia Scholars,,, we need your support,,, we are planning to have a one day outreach in areas of Kamwenge Distri...

              • Jameson Niwamanya

                81:6.37&38 13. Effective and wise leadership. In civilization much, very much, depends on an enthusiastic and effective load-pulling spirit. Ten men are of little...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  81:6.37&38 13. Effective and wise leadership. In civilization much, very much, depends on an enthusiastic and effective load-pulling spirit. Ten men are of little...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    94:7.3 Amid the confusion and extreme cult practices of India, the saner and more moderate teachings of Gautama came as a refreshing relief. He denounced gods, priests...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      150:5.4 When Jesus had left off speaking, there was great rejoicing among those who had heard these gracious words, and they all went on in the days that followed proc...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        132:4.4 As might have been expected, such a versatile and aggressive man could not thus function for six months in the world’s metropolis without being approached by n...